"Some kinda Alchemy" Solo Exhibition: Peggy Phelps Gallery, November 2017.
I combined multiple pieces, paintings, and fabrics together in “Some kinda Alchemy” to create one large-scale painting environment that increases and exaggerates your interaction and perception of two-dimensional painting. The sculptural aspect was solely a means to an end, to allow you to see more. I wanted everyone to see as much as possible- as much of the physical painting and as much of the process and painting as possible. I’ve been saying for years; I’m interested in painting not Painting, so I needed Painting to be more. I want my paintings to do more with Painting than Painting typically does. I want this to be a more active, dynamic, and seemingly interactive space than traditional two-dimensional painting can provide. This is about being immersed IN the painting; creating multiple surfaces and taking out other traditional restrictions and parameters.